The Fourth Department Clarifies LLC Indemnification Rights
High legal fees are an unavoidable fact of life for many commercial litigants. A client’s ability to commence, and successfully litigate...
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The Fourth Department Clarifies LLC Indemnification Rights
Ask An Attorney: Reducing Stress When Your Medical Practice is Acquired
Common Law Duty of Non-Solicitation of Customers for Sellers of Businesses
WATCH: Term Sheets for Dummies - UVANY Rochester
Non-Profit Revitalization Act
Ask an Attorney: Arbitration Clause in Patient Agreements
A Business Approach to Business Litigation
Oppressive Conduct Insufficient to Support LLC Dissolution
Legal Alert: Maximize Opportunities When a Competitor Declares Bankruptcy
Mediating Civil Commercial Disputes
Developing Remedies for LLC Members
The Case of a Mutually Assured Dissolution
Court Gives Guidance on Improper Solicitation of Clients